Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mountain School Information

March 8, 2011

Dear Fifth Grade Parents and Students,

Mountain School is just a few weeks away! This letter provides you with important details regarding transportation, departure and arrival times, and emergency contacts. Attached you will find the Mountain School clothing/equipment list and program schedule.

Bellingham School District will provide bus transportation to and from the North Cascades Institute for our students, teachers and chaperones. We appreciate the Silver Beach Elementary Association (SBEA) who will pay the associated transportation costs.

Bus Departure and Arrival Times
Silver Beach students will attend Mountain School in two different sessions:
  • Ms. Offutt’s class will attend Monday – Wednesday, March 21 – 23, 2011. Please have your child to Silver Beach by 8:15 a.m. on Monday morning March 21st. The bus will leave promptly at 8:30 a.m. On Wednesday afternoon, March 23, students will leave Mountain School after lunch and arrive at Silver Beach at approximately 2:45 p.m.
  • Ms. Alexander and Ms. Irwin’s class will attend from Wednesday – Friday, March 23 – 25, 2011. Please have your child to Silver Beach by 8:15 a.m. on Wednesday morning March 23rd. The bus will leave promptly at 8:30 a.m. On Friday afternoon, March 25, students will leave Mountain School after lunch and arrive at Silver Beach at approximately 2:45 p.m.

Upon return to Silver Beach, you may pick up your child from 2:45 – 3:30 p.m. Students will not be able to take their regular bus home because of their bags. If you would like to pick up your child prior to the 3:30 p.m. dismissal, you will need to sign them out at the office. If you are having another adult pick up your child, that adult must be on your child’s approved pick up list. If not, please write a note giving special permission for another adult to pick up your child.

Sack Lunch
All students must bring a sack lunch for the day they leave for Mountain School in their daypack. Does your child normally eat hot lunch at school? If so, let your teacher know if you need a school provided sack lunch as soon as possible.

Contact Information
In the event of an emergency, schools and families can reach teachers and program staff at the following numbers:
                North Cascades Environmental Learning Center                                         206-526-2561
                Katie Chipko, Program Coordinator                                                                                206-526-2562, 360-873-4271 (after office hours)
                Katie Roloson, Curriculum Coordinator                                                          206-526-2595 (after office hours)
                Jeff Giesen, Education Director                                                                        360-752-1553 (after office hours)
                Laura Busby, Program Director                                                                        206-526-2598
                Newhalem Visitor’s Center                                                                                                206-386-4495
                Marblemount Ranger Station, Dispatcher ext. 37                                         360-873-4590 (7 a.m. – 10 p.m.)

Thank you for preparing your child for this trip. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at one of the emails below. Please remember to send the final Mountain School payment of $18 this week with your child to school. Make your check payable to SBEA/Mountain School.

Glenda Runge and Susan Everett
SBEA 2010-11 Mountain School Co-Chairs,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Day 1

10:30-11:00          Arrive North Cascades Environmental Learning Center on Diablo Lake               
*****(Students should have their daypacks with packed lunch, raingear, clothing layers, journal, and pencil ready)*******
[Note- This is a change from the program schedule in previous years.  Groups will no longer be visiting the Visitor Center in Newhalem]

10:30-12:00          Unload bus, orientation, chaperone meeting

12:00-12:30          Lunch

12:30 – 5:00         Field Study in learning groups

5:00 – 6:00            Participants move into lodges, free time

6:00 – 7:00            Dinner

7:00 – 8:30            Evening programs

Day 2

8:00 - 9:00             Breakfast, pack lunches, gather gear

9:00 –5:00             Field Study (lessons, activities, and field investigation)

5:00 – 6:00            Free time

6:00 – 7:00            Dinner

7:00 – 8:30            Evening programs

Day 3

8:00 - 9:00             Breakfast

9:00 – 11:15         Field Study and closing activities

11:15 – 12:00       Lunch, load bus, depart

Packing List


Please carefully look over the following checklist and check each item as it is packed.  If you have trouble coming up with any of these items, please let your teacher know well before your Mountain School visit, so we can provide them for you. Please label your belongings!

Day pack- packed with the six items listed below:
                _____      Rain gear (with rain pants if you have them)   
_____      Warm knit hat, preferably wool
                _____      Warm gloves
                _____      Water bottle (watertight, so you can carry it in your bag without leaking)
                _____      Sack lunch for the first day
                _____      gallon size ziplock bag for journal, with pencil

In another bag, backpack, or suitcase pack the following:
_____      Sturdy, water-resistant, comfortable hiking boots (if not wearing them) or two pairs of sneakers 
                _____      3 pairs of wool or polypropylene socks
                _____      Long underwear or thick tights
                _____      Underwear (3 changes)
                _____      2 pairs of long pants
                _____      Warm sweater or sweatshirt
                _____      Long sleeve shirt, 2 other shirts
_____      Small towel and washcloth
                _____      Warm jacket
_____      Warm sleeping bag, or bedroll with sheet plus blanket

In ziplock or toiletry bag labeled with your NAME (to store in the restroom):
                _____      Toothbrush and toothpaste
                _____      Soap, personal toiletries
Give to your teacher:
_____      Approved medications and written directions  (with name on it—teacher will control all medications)
_____      Camera and film 
_____      Binoculars

*Do NOT bring any candy, gum, extra food, blow dryers, hair spray, hair gels, makeup, games, iPods, cell phones, computer games, knives, or money!

*Please bring only what you will need and pack tightly.  You are responsible for carrying your own belongings approximately 0.3 miles up hill from the bus to your lodge room.